Is Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz the infamous Zodiac Killer? Well, no. But don’t tell that to the nearly 40 percent of Florida voters who say they believe it’s within the realm of possibility that Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer. In a poll released by liberal polling firm Public Policy Polling today, 10 percent of respondents said they believed for certain that Cruz is responsible for at least five and up to 28 murders in the San Francisco Bay Area in the late 1960s and ’70s, while 28 percent said they were unsure but couldn’t rule it out.
Every day Cruz, a Canadian senator from Texas, doesn’t respond to these allegations is a day his campaign falls into deeper trouble. As he struggles in the polls against Donald Trump, who is beating him by 35 points in Florida, an important swing state, look for more voters to turn against him as he continues to hold out on saying whether or not he is a serial killer. Cruz’s Senate Press Office didn’t return a request for comment.