Crimewatch, the decades-old BBC TV staple that re-creates unsolved crimes in hopes that the public will come forward with new info, often runs updates on previous cases that have been closed, flashing up the arrested perpetrator’s mug shot. On Monday night’s edition, one of those updates turned extremely awkward.
The man on the left is regular Crimewatch presenter Jason Mohammad. The guy in the mug shot behind him is not Jason Mohammad. He’s Viktor Lakatos, who was previously featured on the show for assaulting an elderly person. Lakatos is now serving 18 years in prison. Mohammad, his doppelgänger, remains free and appears on television professionally. He is not currently a suspect in any criminal investigations.
The resemblance became something of a Twitter phenomenon in the U.K. after a police constable noticed it and posted a screenshot:
That awkward moment… #Crimewatch
— PC Alice Nicholas (@KernowKop) February 8, 2016And so did everyone else watching the show:
This presenter on crime watch is starting to sweat… - startling resemblance lol #Crimewatch
— OkHelloYou (@okhelloyou) February 8, 2016Is it just me or does the Crimewatch presenter look like the criminal he’s asking the public to look out for? 😳😳😂
— Gusto (@GustoNBT) February 9, 2016Eventually, Mohammad had to acknowledge what happened:
Thanks for the tweets. And yes, I’ve seen the picture #Crimewatch
— Jason Mohammad (@jasonmohammad) February 8, 2016When someone in his replies asked him how he held it together, he replied, simply, “I am professional.”
A true pro at work, totally unfazed. Or a secret criminal who knows he just got away with everything? Hard to say. Hard to say.