An emotionally disturbed man scaled a fence at the United Nations on Saturday morning, then evaded police by jumping into the East River, according to the Daily News. Police divers searched for the intruder for hours, but were unable to find him or ascertain his fate. The as-yet-unidentified man, who broke free of two security officers after triggering an alarm near the North Lawn Building, first leapt off a promenade and survived a three-story fall, only to evade officers again by then jumping into the river. Police reportedly found a backpack left behind by the man which contained paperwork indicating that he had been recently released from police custody. The Daily News points out the man’s escape is similar to the one used by the fictional Jason Bourne in the final scene of 2007’s The Bourne Ultimatum, but it’s important to realize that in real life the East River is a very dangerous body of water, especially near the UN where turbulent currents would have made swimming extremely hazardous, let alone for someone in an apparently deranged mental state.