Nothing says Rest in Peace like a face with stuck-out tongue and winking-eye emoji. Just ask the family of Carmen Bustamante Barangó. Before she died at the end of May, the 75-year-old Barcelona native asked that her family include the emoji in her obituary, El Pais reports.
El Pais reports that 😜 (again, that’s the face with stuck-out tongue and winking-eye emoji, not to be confused with the regular, boring winking-eye emoji) was Carmen’s favorite emoji during her time on Earth. She apparently also told her family that while she wanted the emoji included, she did not want her family to use any religious imagery in her obituary. She even threatened to haunt them if they disobeyed. (Insert ghost emoji here.)
Fortunately for Carmen (and those of us in the viral-internet-content biz), her family respected her emoji wishes and the 75-year-old is now, we can only assume, resting peacefully in the great big Unicode Consortium in the sky.