Donald Trump Counter-programs Own Convention

Donald Trump wants attention more than any non-infant on Planet Earth. On Saturday, tasked with introducing his running mate Mike Pence, Trump spent the majority of his introduction veering off-script to talk about himself. On Sunday night, in a dual interview with the Indiana governor on 60 Minutes, the mogul answered four questions directed at his veep. And then, on Monday night, at the opening of the Republican National Convention, Trump forced Fox News to cut away from the speech of a mother who “personally blames” her son’s death in Benghazi on Hillary Clinton — so that he could do yet another phone interview with Bill O’Reilly.

Sure, stoking the flames of right-wing outrage over Benghazi is a core part of Trump’s strategy for unifying the GOP base. But a candidate must have priorities. And for Donald Trump, the number-one priority is capitalizing on every possible opportunity to tell easily falsifiable, self-aggrandizing lies.