Donald Trump gave a speech today for the National Association of Home Builders. At one point during said speech, the fair-haired Republican nominee held up a sign. (What for? I don’t know. I watched the speech video on mute.) Naturally, it wasn’t long before people online started editing that image, covering the sign with memes and turning Donald into one in his own right.
Rob Flaherty, the deputy digital communications director for the Clinton campaign, started the thread on Twitter, when he posted a modified picture of Trump holding up a blank sign.
And go to town people did. There were Harambe jokes.
And Dat Boi edits.
Name a meme, and there is a good chance somebody photoshopped it onto Donald Trump’s sign. (Fair warning: Some of the rest of this thread is great and some of it is hot garbage, so proceed with caution.)
The meme has also migrated over to Reddit’s /r/photoshopbattles, where Trump will join a cast of past characters including the Queen of England, a two-legged cat, and this intern who fell asleep on the job. (Guessing he’ll feel right at home with that last one.)
Update: The moderators over at /r/photoshopbattles have since removed the Trump sign submission as edits involving signs are no longer permitted according to the subreddit’s rules.