Tyra Hunt, a high school senior from Michigan, enjoys cheerleading, track and field, and excellent viral senior-photo opportunities. Hunt made a name for herself on Twitter this week after she tweeted a picture of her new school ID card, in which the 17-year-old styled herself to look just like she did when she was 5.
“In my kindergarten picture, I was refusing to take my picture, so my principal called my mother to come to the school to to help because I wouldn’t take it,” Hunt told me via Twitter DM. “For my senior year, our school lets us have a funny ID picture because they use our real senior picture in the year book. I bought a green hoodie, ironed on USA to the front, put my hair in pig tails, and made the same face I did a while back!”
“The [kindergarten] picture is framed in the living room of my house because it’s always been funny and a joke to my family! I see it a lot,” Hunt explained. “Knowing that seniors can have funny ID pictures, it just gave me the idea.” The once-family joke has already been retweeted by nearly 20,000 people. (And that’s not counting all the accounts that have stolen Hunt’s picture and passed it off as their own.)
As for her newfound internet celebrity, Hunt says she’s just excited to get started with senior year. “I can’t wait for homecoming, football games, & spending the year getting closer to my friends before we all have to leave for college at this time next year.” Aw. Teens.