The GOP Nominee Takes Bold Stand on Whether or Not Morning-Show Hosts Are Having an Affair

A man who doesn’t hurl personal insults. Photo: MOLLY RILEY/AFP/Getty Images

Donald Trump was pivoting. After 14 months of campaigning as a white nationalist’s idea of a moderate, the GOP nominee was starting to impersonate a swing voter’s idea of one. He said that he regretted (unspecified) remarks he’d made in the “heat” of the race. He expressed concern about how all black people “have no jobs” and “live in poverty.” He said something about the dreams of children. And he told a group of Latino leaders that he was open to legalization for the undocumented.

Trump’s new campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, felt so confident that her candidate had turned a corner she said that the GOP nominee “doesn’t hurl personal insults” on national television.

And then the unthinkable happened: Less than 24 hours after Conway’s remark, Donald Trump woke up on Monday morning and was still Donald Trump.

(Maybe he saw a recent Page Six item reporting that Brzezinksi had gotten divorced and relaying rumors that she and Scarborough are involved?)

Earlier this month, the Trump campaign declared, “It’s time to focus on the issues,” in an email to supporters. “We won the primary because we talked about the issues NO ONE else dared to touch,” the campaign wrote.

So maybe Trump’s morning tweet storm is on message. As of this writing, no presidential candidate — from Hillary Clinton to Gary Johnson — has dared to “touch” the issue of Joe Scarborough’s love life.

Trump Takes Bold Stand on Joe Scarborough’s Love Life