For reasons as yet unknown, a giant blob of white foam has appeared and filled a street in Santa Clara, California. The foam is reportedly five feet deep in certain sections and appears to be some sort of flame retardant, KTVU reports from the scene.
Several thousand people are tuned into the KTVU livestream, watching with bated breath to see what will become of the foam. The area is now taped off, but before officials were able to secure the area, at least one man on a bike was able to take a soapy joy ride.
From KTVU:
A man on a bike said he couldn’t resist the foam. He said officers told him it’s non-toxic and he should bike through it. As he went into the foam he disappeared for several minutes, but later reappeared covered in foam. The man, who said his name is Blake, said he tried to stand in the middle of the foam but couldn’t. He said it was about 10’ deep. Blake added he ran into a sign at one point.
Sending positive thoughts to the good people of Santa Clara in this trying time.