Donald Trump and Mitt Romney will meet for the second time in a week on Tuesday, as the president-elect nears his selection for secretary of State. The purpose of the meeting isn’t clear, but it will at the very least give Romney and Trump a chance to discuss Kellyanne Conway’s suggestion that selecting Romney for the job would amount to a betrayal of Trump’s supporters. Or maybe it will be a platform for Romney to make that public apology Team Trump is reportedly after.
The former Massachusetts governor who called Trump a “fraud” and a “phony” in March is not the only potential secretary of State going in front of Trump this week. Tennessee senator and foreign-relations committee chairman Bob Corker will also get some face time with the president-elect on Tuesday. Monday, Trump is meeting with former C.I.A. head and retired general David Petraeus, a man whose history with classified information would seemingly make Trump bristle.
Other names still being bandied about for the nation’s head diplomat are General John Kelly, a Marine and former head of the United States Southern Command, and Rudy Giuliani, who was once the favorite for the job. Somewhere farther down the list is Kremlin-loving California congressman Dana Rohrabacher, who recently implored fans to vote for him in a Breitbart poll asking readers “Who should be Trump’s Secretary of State?” He’s still in last place.