2016 has been a historically bad year, and in case you’ve forgotten, Facebook is here this morning with a new Year in Review video to remind you. In addition to the video (you can watch below), the platform released a list of its most-talked-about topics from around the world this year. Which are also almost entirely depressing, with the U.S. presidential election taking the top spot and David Bowie and Muhammad Ali’s deaths rounding out the list in spots nine and ten, respectively. You can find the full list here, which also includes the Black Lives Matter movement, the Philippine presidential election, and Pokémon Go. (I’d say that last one is the only item on the list that isn’t tinged with sadness, but people died playing the game. Not even pocket monsters were safe from 2016’s grips.)
Here’s hoping 2017 is better. Or at the very least slightly less awful.