The idea of Hillary Clinton running for New York City mayor moved from dumb and impossible to “unlikely” on Friday, as both the Times and Daily News reported on the possibility.
Those reports follow an article on conservative website NewsMax Thursday that said Democratic power brokers are pushing Clinton to run. And that she is considering it. On Friday, the Daily News added that Clinton “left open the possibility of running … in a private conversation with a top Democrat.”
The Times also chimed in with an article calling the idea of Clinton running for mayor “unlikely.” A spokesman for Clinton didn’t respond to the paper’s request for comment, but friend and fundraiser Alan Patricof did go on the record to stoke the rumor. “Obviously, that’s a conversation point for everybody; it’s a logical point after you ask, ‘What is Hillary going to do next?’” he told the Times.
One person who was willing to definitely quash the notion was Bradley Tusk, a former aide to Mayor Bloomberg who’s no fan of De Blasio. “The reality is that she’s not going to and all it does is further delay the thinking and plans of people who actually could run and win.”
But then later on Friday, he tweeted that he’d be appearing on local TV to talk about how great it would be if Clinton did challenge De Blasio.
The truest sign that this whole thing might be more than fantasy, though, appeared on Twitter at 2:59 p.m. Friday — the first tweet from @HRCforNYC.