Earlier Sunday morning, the U.S. Department of Education tweeted a picture of W.E.B. Du Bois — a civil-rights activist, scholar, and co-founder of the NAACP — along with a quote from Du Bois about the importance of education. There was just one problem: The quote was attributed to “W.E.B. DeBois,” which, well, isn’t how you spell Du Bois.
Needless to say, people noticed. Fast.
Several hours of roasting later, the Department of Education issued an apology tweet, which also didn’t go exactly as intended, since it offered up the Department of Education’s “deepest apologizes” instead of “deepest apologies.”
That tweet has been deleted and the Department of Education has since tweeted a new, typo-less, apology.
Third time is the charm with spelling. That’s what we teach kids in public schools these days, right?