Happy Valentine’s Day! Do you own an Android? That’s fine, just be wary if you’re going to date somebody who isn’t also an Android owner. Turns out, iPhone owners are judgmental little punks when it comes to their date’s technological preferences.
According to a study from Match.com and Research Now, iPhone owners are 21 times more likely to negatively judge a date who owns an Android. By comparison, Android users are only 15 times more likely to negatively judge an iPhone owner. Match doesn’t give much detail into why this is, but we’ll assume that it’s mostly fueled by iPhone owners who want nothing to do with SMS-messaging a significant other.
The study also found that a cracked phone screen isn’t going to help your game. Women are 86 percent more likely to negatively judge a guy for having a shattered screen. Which is really bad news for all you cracked-screen-Android-owning dudes out there looking to date women with iPhones. Maybe try leaving your busted phone at home and making plans via a landline beforehand? Of 5,500 people surveyed, 29 percent said old-fashioned phone calls were a turn-on.