Mitt and Tagg Romney, whose only obvious qualifications for owning a baseball team are their vast personal wealth and weird baseball-term names, are reportedly trying to buy a chunk of the New York Yankees. The Romneys will bid for a small chunk of the team after trying and failing to buy the Miami Marlins a few months back, Jon Heyman reports.
They’re expected to pay $25 million to $30 million per point and thought to be interested in one or two points. The Yankees are valued around $3 billion or more.
Mitt Romney, of course, is a former Massachusetts governor and purported Red Sox fan, meaning he should hate the Yankees with an inextinguishable fire. However, it’s clear the Romneys see a good investment in the Bronx, and if we learned one thing about Mitt in 2012, it’s that he never lets anything get between him and a good payday.