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Donald Trump Jr. Walked Into the Woods a Man and Walked Out a Meme

On Saturday morning, the New York Times ran a profile of Donald Trump Jr., declaring the eldest of President Trump’s five children “the Trump who has not always seemed at ease with being a Trump.” The profile covers everything from Trump’s 2001 arrest for public drunkenness, “I think, like anyone else, I made my mistakes,” to the annual White House Easter Egg Roll, “God forbid one of my kids wins. People will say it was rigged.” It also covers, perhaps too breezily, Trump’s habit of retweeting misinformation and content from white nationalists. But honestly, if you read the piece and were able to focus on any of that … congrats. Because for most of us, the takeaway has been having a truly bizarre picture of Don Jr. sitting on a tree stump permanently etched into our brains.

“If I could miracle myself away,” Don Jr. told the Times, “I would live out West.” The profile also notes he spent a large amount of time as a child roaming the countryside in Prague with his maternal grandfather, which helped develop his love of the outdoors. (Also his love of hunting. He owns several guns and refers to PETA members as “crazies.”)

Here’s hoping he and Hillary Clinton don’t cross paths with all the time these two seem to spend among the trees.

Donald Trump Jr. Walked Into the Woods and Walked Out a Meme