Remember the 300-pound robot security guard that hit and rolled over a toddler in California last year? Well, the bot — or rather, the same type of bot — got a taste of its own medicine last week, after an drunk dude knocked it to the ground. Jason Sylvain, a 41-year-old man, was arrested for attacking the robot, which was patrolling a parking lot in Mountain View, California, ABC7 News reports.
The robot, built by a company called Knightscope, clocks in at five feet tall, and “spins and occasionally whistles,” ABC7 News also reports. “I think this is a pretty pathetic incident because it shows how spineless the drunk guys in Silicon Valley really are, because they attack a victim who doesn’t even have any arms,” one Mountain View resident told them of the incident. Sylvain is up against charges of both prowling and being drunk in public.