There’s a tweet going around right now with a photograph of the inside of a bag full of Chipotle. The tweeter, who we are not calling out personally, but reserve the right to name at any time, had asked Chipotle’s staff to individually package all the ingredients for several orders of chicken tacos. “Am I weird? Or Brilliant?” he asked Twitter.
My dude, you are neither weird nor brilliant. Asking a Chipotle employee to take the time to scoop out all your ingredients into separate containers isn’t a hack. It’s just rude. Forget all the plastic involved, imagine if every person who ordered tacos for two — the tweeter told BuzzFeed he was picking up tacos to bring home for himself and his wife, and they travel better unassembled — did this. Eat your tacos soggy! (Why are you even getting tacos. You should get a burrito. They’re better.) Grocery shop and cook some dang tacos in your own kitchen! Ask for just the salsa in a separate container on the side to keep your tacos from disintegrating on the car ride home! If individually packaged ingredients mean so much to you, sign up for a meal-kit service! Just don’t do this again, and don’t go giving thousands of people on the internet the idea that it’s okay to do it, either. We the people at Chipotles everywhere — both in line and working at the restaurants — thank you.