It’s a special moment in every child’s life: the first time their father holds them up in front of the TV and shakes them around. It’s also part of the growing subgenre of “baby goes on virtual roller coaster” videos floating around.
According to viral-vid aggregator ViralHog, the video features infant Holly from Kent, England, who was nearly 7 months old at the time of filming. Sound effects are provided by her dad, the wind in Holly’s hair is provided by a fan, and the utter indifference to the whole thing is provided by Holly herself.
There are several YouTube videos of kids riding virtual coasters that have gone viral (or at least been popular enough to get bought by viral-video licensing companies like ViralHog or Jukin Media).
There’s this more low-tech version, which (life hack) doesn’t even require a box.
Or there’s this version, which is a bit more heartwarming, mostly because the kid seems to actually enjoy it — and eventually led to a GoFundMe campaign to send the family in question to Disney World.
Regardless, all the kids seem to handle their trip on a virtual coaster better than this woman wearing a Samsung Gear VR headset and riding while seated (skip to about a minute in for the good stuff).