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Now That the Navy Is Using Xbox 360 Controllers, Gamers Have No Excuse Not to Join the Military

Photo: Lockheed Martin/US Navy

Gamers, it’s time to answer the call. Instead of fragging noobs online, you can put those skills to use in the actual military. The Navy is using Xbox 360 controllers to operate its periscopes now, repurposing tech that’s more than a decade old for the depths of the ocean.

Lockheed Martin and the Navy teamed up to retrofit current military hardware with stuff that younger recruits were more accustomed to. From the Virginian-Pilot, via Gizmodo:

“The Navy got together and they asked a bunch of J.O.s and junior guys, ‘What can we do to make your life better?’” said Lt. j.g. Kyle Leonard, the USS John Warner’s assistant weapons officer, referring to junior officers and sailors. “And one of the things that came out is the controls for the scope. It’s kind of clunky in your hand; it’s real heavy.”

This isn’t exactly new. The government has used Xbox controllers to operate everything from laser cannons to drones to robots. And it can’t be that expensive for Microsoft to produce the devices anymore, especially in exchange for a contract from the Defense Department.

Gamers, No Excuse Not to Join the Military Now