Those Jetsons-esque fantasies of commuting to work in a flying car might not be as far off as you think. Earlier on Wednesday, NASA and Uber signed a deal to work on software for a “flying taxi” service, Reuters reports. The two will be creating a traffic system for the proposed low-altitude aviation service. Because if you’re going to have people flying to work, you’re gonna need some stoplights in the sky or something. They seemed to work for George Jetson.
“Uber wants to make vertical take-off and landing vehicles. That will allow their flying cars to take off and land vertically,” reports CNBC. “They will fly at a low altitude.” The company first announced that it would be moving into the skies at an event earlier in 2017, teaming up with governments in Dallas–Fort Worth and Dubai, as well as several manufacturing companies. Uber plans to first launch the project in those cities, along with additional test runs in Los Angeles by the year 2020. File this one under “big bold bets” on Uber’s new list of cultural norms.