Montana governor Steve Bullock isn’t the most visible Democrat running for president. He’s not even among the top 12 if the most recent debate, from which he was excluded, is an indication.
That might explain why former White House communications director and current anti-Trump Republican Anthony Scaramucci didn’t realize he was unknowingly offering Bullock his endorsement in a recent Cameo video.
Cameo is a service that allows regular folks to pay famous (and slightly famous) people to send video messages to their friends. In what the candidate claims was an attempt to make a point about money in politics, Bullock used the service to book a little bit of Mooch’s time.
And the man who lasted 11 days in Trump’s White House delivered:
We support you Steve B. I know you got a tough race ahead of you. But you’ve done this before. You now how to win. Just keep putting one boot in front of the other and march ahead. I’m behind you 100 percent. See you at the finish line.
In a follow-up tweet, Bullock wrote that “Scaramucci didn’t know the source of the $100, but he allowed it to enter his wallet despite the potential consequences — just like how our broken campaign finance system allows Dark Money to enter our elections & influence our politics. A frightening tale indeed!”
More frightening though is Scaramucci spending his time sending strangers birthday wishes when he runs a high-performing hedge fund.
In a tweet responding to Bullock’s, Scaramucci explained that the money he made will go to charity.