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  1. tags
    Artists Won the 5Pointz Case, But the Decision Was Terrible for ArtThe landowner who made his building a graffiti haven should not have been demonized.
  2. gentrification
    ‘Gentrification in Progress’ at 5PointzStreet artists wrapped the former graffiti mecca in a giant banner.
  3. crimes and misdemeanors
    Graffiti No Longer Allowed at Former Graffiti Haven 5PointzSix people were arrested for vandalism at the newly white warehouse.
  4. 5pointz
    5Pointz Building Owner Defends Paint Job, Demolition: ‘It’s Best for Everyone’“They’re misguided,” says Jerry Wolkoff.
  5. neighborhood news
    Graffiti Mecca 5Pointz Painted White Before Becoming Luxury CondosThe walls of 5Pointz are being buffed, to add insult to injury.
  6. sad things
    Better Visit 5Pointz While You Still CanA court order won’t save the graffiti haven.