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Ad Wars

  1. early and awful
    People of Ohio: Mitt Romney Thinks You’re All IdiotsHis new ad on the auto bailout is only successful if you are as uninformed and gullible as children. 
  2. ad wars
    In Defense of the Big Bird AdObama is going trying to remind voters of the Romney they knew before the debate.
  3. ad wars
    Samuel L. Jackson Is Cursing Again LOL!For Obama.
  4. ad wars
    Romney Hires Self-Described ‘Mad Men’ to Craft New Campaign AdsIt’s just like the show, minus the drinking and debauchery.
  5. ad wars
    Priorities USA Admits Romney Didn’t Kill a Man’s Wife, Still Stands by AdTo be clear, Romney made the family’s situation worse, but he didn’t give her cancer.
  6. ad wars
    Mitt Romney Basically Killed a WomanThat seems to be the message of this new Obama-aligned super-PAC ad.
  7. ad wars
    Obama Ad Questions Romney’s Tax MysteryWe don’t know because Romney hasn’t released them!
  8. ad wars
    Why Obama’s Singing Ad Is More Devastating Than Romney’s Singing AdBoth campaigns released ads in which the opposing candidate is singing a song!
  9. ad wars
    We See What You Did There, Mitt RomneyHis new ad is an homage to an anti-McCain ad that Obama ran in 2008. 
  10. ad wars
    Obama the Celebrity, Round TwoKarl Rove’s super PAC tells young voters that Obama’s coolness hasn’t done anything for them.
  11. ad wars
    Obama’s Latest Attack Ad Is Just SillyThe ad attacks McCain for owning (get ready to gasp) … three foreign-made cars! Out of thirteen!
  12. ad wars
    Obama and McCain Vie for Your Confidence With New AdsOne of these men will solve all our problems — but which one?