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  1. equal rites
    President Obama’s Fake Evolution on Gay Marriage Is Still OngoingBut no, not going to announce anything yet.
  2. media deathwatch
    Media Layoffs Bad for MinoritiesBut then, when are they ever good for the majority, either?
  3. gossipmonger
    The ‘Swift Boat’ People Start Doing Their Thing With McCainPlus, Samantha Ronson and Lindsay Lohan go baby shopping, and Cameron Diaz is totally in love with Jennifer Aniston’s ex! That and more in our daily gossip roundup.
  4. ink-stained wretches
    ‘Out’ and ‘The Advocate’ Sold for $6 MillionPlanetOut Inc. sold the two prominent gay magazines to Here Networks, in a deal that may leave the staff office-less by the end of the month.