Displaying all articles tagged:

Air Force

  1. Man-Child President Calls for ‘Space Force’ to Fight Wars Beyond the SkiesIn unexpected remarks at a Marine Air Station in California, Trump aims very high.
  2. nukes
    Babysitting the BombThe missileers of Global Strike Command watch over our aging, often persnickety, and potentially world-destroying nuclear arsenal.
  3. military discipline
    Air Force Missile Officers Keep Falling Asleep With the Doors OpenWhat’s up at the ICBM ranch?
  4. crimes and misdemeanors
    Worst Possible Air Force Officer Arrested for Sexual BatteryHe headed the USAF’s anti-sexual assault program.
  5. cover-ups
    Air Force Dumped Remains of at Least 274 Bodies in Virginia LandfillThe practice was never formally authorized.
  6. U.S. Officials Punished Over Lost Body PartsAn internal report said the mistakes were a “mission failure.”
  7. loose lips
    Air Force Barred From Reading New York Times WebsiteBut we found a flaw in the plan.
  8. close encounters of the blurred kind
    You Know Who Is Really Into Spying on Our Nuclear Power Plants? ALIENSSomething must be done!
  9. weird al greene
    The Air Force Didn’t Promote Alvin Greene Because He Wasn’t Communist EnoughOr: terrorist-y enough. Either one.
  10. don’t ask don’t tell
    Military Chiefs of Staff Object to Early ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ CompromiseThey’d rather wait until their much-touted study is completed in December.
  11. don’t ask don’t tell
    Two Top Generals Wary of Swift Repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’The chiefs of staff of the Army and Air Force cautioned against rapid action while the military is stretched thin on two fronts.
  12. gays
    Gates and Mullen to Argue Against ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’That Pentagon will detail the steps it’s taking toward preparing for a repeal of the ban.
  13. gays
    Military Steps Up Talks on ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ RepealHigh-level meetings have been called to talk about making good on one of Barack Obama’s campaign promises.