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  1. With Evacuation Complete, the Syrian Government Is Fully in Control of AleppoOne major turning point in the civil war.
  2. aleppo
    U.N. Monitors Head to Syria As Mass Evacuations ContinueViolence sidelined the deal earlier, but it appears to be back in effect.
  3. About 3,000 People Have Been Evacuated From Eastern AleppoA day after another cease-fire deal was reached.
  4. Syrian Government Forces Are About to Deal a Crushing Blow to RebelsAssad’s army has retaken a huge chunk of rebel-held territory in the key city of Aleppo.
  5. The Top Dictionary Search During the Debate Was ‘Lepo.’ As in, ‘What’s a Lepo?’“What’s a lepo?”
  6. Syria
    U.S. Accuses Russia of ‘Barbarism’ in Syria As Attacks on Aleppo IntensifyBombings killed scores over the weekend, and 2 million are without water.