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Andrew Johnson

  1. vision 2024
    A Joe Biden–Liz Cheney 2024 Ticket Won’t Save AmericaThomas Friedman cites an Israeli precedent for his call for a coalition of national salvation. It’s not an apt comparison and probably wouldn’t work.
  2. impeachment trial
    Impeachment Is Literally Congressional Self-Defense in Trump’s CaseIt’s the only way Congress can defend itself against executive abuses of power — this time, it’s was physical.
  3. biden inauguration
    Trump Is the First President in 152 Years to Skip Successor’s InaugurationAnother one-term impeached president, Andrew Johnson, snubbed Ulysses S. Grant.
  4. capitol riot
    Could the 14th Amendment Ban Trump From Holding Office Again?Even if a Trump political comeback isn’t blocked by impeachment, his incitement to insurrection may make him subject to a ban meant for Confederates.
  5. racism
    No, Uncle Joe, Trump Is Hardly Our First Racist PresidentTrump may rival the most racist of presidents given the context of their times, but he hardly invented presidential racism.
  6. trump impeachment
    The Impeachment Process Explained: What Happens to Trump Now?Everything you need to know about the next steps in the Senate, and the consequences Trump might face.
  7. impeachment
    Pence Is Right: Trump Is a Lot Like Andrew JohnsonPence embraces the discredited Jim Crow theory of Johnson’s victimization and Reconstruction’s evil. But Trump does emulate his scofflaw behavior.
  8. impeachment
    Yes, Trump’s Impeachment Was Partisan. The Others Were Too.For all the hand-wringing about partisanship in Congress today, it’s hardly unprecedented in the brief history of presidential impeachments.
  9. trump impeachment
    In Jonathan Turley, Republicans Find Ideal ‘Impartial’ Witness for TrumpThe law professor seems like the perfect non-partisan opponent of Trump’s impeachment — until you look at his underlying views.
  10. impeachment
    Federal Judge Rules Impeachment Inquiry Is LegalThe judge rejected the Republican argument that the House had to formally authorize an inquiry before it could begin.
  11. vision 2020
    A Brief History of Old Guys Who Became President of the United StatesIn a shift from the early days of the presidency, septuagenarians Trump, Sanders, and Biden aren’t all that old compared to their peers.
  12. impeachment
    Republican Solidarity Will Protect Trump From ImpeachmentHistory shows that impeachment efforts tend to tighten the bonds between president and party. With Trump’s party controlling the Senate, that’s big.
  13. New York Politics Chat: Is Trump the Worst President of All Time?Five members of New York’s politics team try to figure what Trump has to do to take the (figurative) crown.
  14. America Coming to Grips With an Incorrigible TrumpDonald Trump didn’t just say something outrageous. He contradicted his own correction of an earlier outrageous statement. This is new and disturbing.
  15. Al Franken Warns About Potential Perils of President PenceHe opined that the “zealot” Pence might be worse on domestic policy than Trump. It’s a sign the idea of impeachment is becoming real.
  16. Merrick Garland Officially Becomes Victim of Do-Nothing SenateIt’s been 150 years since a SCOTUS nominee who did not withdraw was denied any action by the Senate. It’s a sign of the times.