The American System Is Already FailingTrump is attacking both the rule of law and our constitutional norms – and the Mueller hearings underscored that he’ll largely go unchallenged.
ByAndrew Sullivan
interesting times
Andrew Sullivan: The Opportunity of White AnxietyThe answer to the disturbing rise of far-right politics might lie in a new liberal politics that recognizes the legitimacy of some conservative fears.
We Are Trump’s HostagesThere’s a fine line between trying to thwart an unhinged president and provoking him to greater extremity.
ByAndrew Sullivan
interesting times
Cleansing the Catholic Church of Its SinsAfter the Pennsylvania priest abuse scandal, it’s time to end the shame around homosexuality, open up the priesthood, and toss out enablers of evil.
Andrew Sullivan: When Racism Is Fit to PrintThe left defended New York Times hire Sarah Jeong’s tweets attacking white people because in their worldview, anti-white bigotry simply can’t exist.
Did Trump Just Help Stop Brexit?Trump just humiliated Theresa May, but the endorsement of a despised U.S. president might prove to be the Brexit hard-liners’ undoing.
Will There Always Be an England?Anxiety is a predictable and understandable response to the U.K.’s ethnic and cultural transformation. Ignoring it gave us Brexit (and Trump).
Andrew Sullivan: How Do We Cope With Trump?The antidote to our toxic political and cultural climate: Look to figures who found themselves in similar circumstances yet kept their heads.
ByAndrew Sullivan
interesting times
Andrew Sullivan: We All Live on Campus NowWhen universities embrace an identity-based “social justice” movement, it puts the broader culture in danger of drifting away from liberal democracy.
ByAndrew Sullivan
interesting times
Andrew Sullivan: When Two Tribes Go to WarIn a tribalized society, there’s no room for an independent inquiry — which is why Republicans are doing all they can to undermine Robert Mueller.