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  1. hack to the future
    LulzSec Says It’s DoneFifty days after the hacker collective started.
  2. lulzsec
    ‘This Is the Internet, Where We Screw Each Other Over for a Jolt of Satisfaction’Inside the rise of the angry young men who call themselves “hacktivists.”
  3. hacktivists
    Cyber Attack Strikes International Monetary FundIt’s currently being investigated.
  4. and party every day
    Gene Simmons Believes His Online Haters Are Just Sad, Smart Young Folks“If you tear down the structure, there’s nowhere to go.”
  5. hacktivism
    ‘Anonymous’ Calls for Boycott of Dixie Cups, Quilted Northern Toilet PaperThey’re both owned by the Koch brothers.
  6. loose lips
    Stephen Colbert Breaks Down the Case of the Government-Prescribed Corporate Hacker Who Failed to Bring Down WikiLeaksIn a glorious three and a half minutes.
  7. hacktivists vs. monsters
    Watch ‘Anonymous’ Hack the Westboro Baptist Church Live During a DebateThat feels good.
  8. hacktivists unite!
    Five ‘Anonymous’ Hackers Arrested Over WikiLeaksFor hacking MasterCard, Visa, and PayPal.
  9. loose lips
    Twitter Grows a Pair in Fighting Federal Subpoenas for WikiLeaks User InfoBut will that stop the hacktivists?
  10. gawker
    FBI Investigating Gawker Hack“The kind of attention we got — which spiked Gawker.com traffic — is the kind we can do without,” said Denton.
  11. loose lips
    Today in WikiLeaks: Inherent ContradictionsContradictions one through three.
  12. america’s sweetheart
    Sarah Palin Actually Right About One ThingSarahPAC.com is down!
  13. loose lips
    Who Are Those ‘Anonymous’ WikiLeak Hacktivists?Turning up the veil on Operation Payback.
  14. loose lips
    Hackers Take Down Mastercard in Revenge for Blocking WikiLeaksPayPal, Visa, and Amazon … get ready for “Operation Payback.”