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Anti Abortion Movement

  1. life after roe
    Anti-Abortion Activists Have Republicans in a ViseThe sudden controversy over IVF has exposed Republicans to intense pressure from their anti-abortion allies to take deeply unpopular positions.
  2. politics
    DeSantis Could Be Haunted by Florida’s ‘Generous’ Abortion BanThe governor is backing a 15-week abortion ban, which Republicans are billing as a compromise. But his strategy could anger the party’s extremists.
  3. abortion
    Gun Guy Mark McCloskey Wants to Ban Abortions for Victims of Incestuous RapeThe GOP Senate hopeful who pointed guns at protesters wants to run wild with abortion policy in Missouri, the home of Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin.
  4. abortion
    How Far Will the Anti-Abortion Movement Go?If the Supreme Court reverses Roe, forget states’ rights and get ready for national or constitutional abortion bans.
  5. abortion
    The Legal Shadowboxing Over the Texas Abortion BanMerrick Garland vowed to protect abortion seekers, and scholars proposed ways to thwart the law. But no “vigilante” suit means no legal action.
  6. abortion
    The Anti-Abortion Movement’s Investment in the Republican Party Is Paying OffDonald Trump was the first president to keep his promises to them, and now the big moment of rolling back abortion rights may be near.
  7. explainer
    The Supreme Court’s Radical Texas Abortion Law Ruling & What Comes NextA guide to the Texas abortion ban’s “vigilante” enforcement system, the Supreme Court’s shocking response, and the coming flood of legal battles.
  8. biden cabinet
    Becerra Confirmed as HHS Secretary in Closest Vote YetThe California attorney general drew special Republican heat for antagonizing anti-abortion activists and for challenging Donald Trump in court.
  9. black lives matter
    Trump’s ‘Baby Lives Matter’ Onesies Part of Tradition of Pro-Life Co-optingThe merch was designed to both disrespect BLM and please the anti-abortion movement, which has a history of appropriating civil-rights rhetoric.
  10. coronavirus
    Remember the Party of Terri Schiavo?A GOP that once fought to keep a brain-dead woman alive now includes those who would accept mass death of the elderly to Keep America Great.
  11. abortion
    Can Anti-Abortion ‘Crisis Pregnancy Centers’ Snag Federal Family-Planning Funds?One branch of the anti-abortion movement is trying to rebrand itself as pro-contraceptive, just like Republican politicians.
  12. the judiciary
    Anti-Abortion Activist Is Trump’s Latest Unqualified Judicial NomineeThe administration and its allies are becoming more and more blatant about placing ideologues in lifetime positions on the bench.
  13. abortion
    Anti-Abortion Activists Object to State Bans — But Only on TacticsAnti-abortion leaders are discouraging extreme state abortion laws, preferring stealth until the time is ripe for a frontal assault on Roe v. Wade.