Displaying all articles tagged:

Anti Semitism

  1. early and often
    Trump Uses Antisemitism Speech to Unload on American JewsIs anyone angrier at American Jews than their supposed champion, the former president?
  2. the national interest
    Why President Biden Is Correct to Denounce Campus AntisemitismThe problem is not physical violence.
  3. that happened
    The Time the Trump Campaign Blamed Microsoft for His Antisemitic TweetThe Star of David in front of a pile of money didn’t mean what you thought it meant!
  4. the inside game
    It’s Not 1968 to Joe BidenThe president isn’t worried about campus protests sinking the youth vote. Should he be?
  5. early and often
    MTG and Gaetz Manage to Smear Both Jews and Fellow ChristiansThe House antisemitism bill rightly rejects the doctrine that Jews are responsible for Jesus’s death. They say it’s an essential Christian belief.
  6. the clash on campus
    The Professor Protesting Columbia’s Own StudentsHow Shai Davidai, a self-described “lefty Israeli,” made himself the face of the campus-protest backlash.
  7. the national interest
    Why Anti-Israel Protesters Won’t Stop Harassing JewsThe movement’s ideological character invites rage and violence.
  8. the national interest
    Why Chuck Schumer’s Israel Speech Marks a Turning Point in the War in GazaHe made an attempt to escape the cycle of violence and hate between the one-staters of the left and right.
  9. bill ackman
    Everyone Bill Ackman Is FightingThe ever-expanding list of individuals and institutions the billionaire investor is at war with.
  10. the national interest
    Claudine Gay Had to Resign, But She Was Right About the Big ThingsA tragicomic ending to a culture-war set piece.
  11. gaza
    Don’t Lose Sight of GazaThe controversy over free speech on campus shouldn’t distract from horrors abroad.
  12. liveblog
    Harvard’s President to Stay On in Role: Live UpdatesJust days after Penn’s president announced her resignation, Harvard’s governing board said Claudine Gay will stay on as president.
  13. the national interest
    Political Correctness for Jews Won’t End Campus AntisemitismYou can worry about antisemitism without going crazy about it.
  14. the discourse
    How Bad Is Antisemitism in America, Really?It’s a genuine social problem. But the U.S. is nevertheless an exceptionally safe country for Jews.
  15. the national interest
    The College Presidents Were Right About Campus AntisemitismSchools should regulate conduct, not speech.
  16. the national interest
    Ron DeSantis Embodies the Republican Surrender to antisemitismOnce again, the “mainstream” Republican refuses to condemn Jew hatred.
  17. addicted to posting
    Advertisers Are Running From X and Elon Musk’s AntisemitismApple, IBM, and several entertainment conglomerates have pulled ads from the platform. Musk is tweeting through it.
  18. the discourse
    Is That Antisemitic?The fraught terminology surrounding the war in Gaza.
  19. games
    What Was Kyrie Irving Thinking?He arrived in Brooklyn a bona fide weirdo. He left for Dallas on even stranger terms.
  20. the national interest
    The GOP Attack on Ilhan Omar Trivializes AntisemitismElevating Marjorie Taylor Greene exposes the hypocrisy.
  21. early and often
    Trump Was Tricked Into Dining With Too Many AntisemitesThe poor guy didn’t know about Nick Fuentes, he just wanted to hang with Kanye West — who repeatedly attacked his Jewish son-in-law, Jared Kushner.
  22. politics
    What We Know About Trump’s Dinner With White Supremacist Nick FuentesThe former president is claiming he did not know who his notorious dinner guest was.
  23. bedlam at barclays
    Kyrie Irving Was Finally Suspended. What’s Next?It’s unlikely the Nets will cut him anytime soon.
  24. games
    Kyrie Irving’s Days in Brooklyn Are NumberedPromoting an antisemitic movie is a new low, and his antics will only get worse.
  25. the national interest
    There’s No Comparison Between How the Parties Handle AntisemitismMarjorie Taylor Greene shows it pays in the GOP.
  26. the national interest
    The GOP’s Surrender to the AntisemitesHow an old scourge crept back into the political mainstream.
  27. the national interest
    Pennsylvania GOP Governor Candidate Doug Mastriano Refuses to Denounce Nazi AllyAn incredibly ominous sign in the GOP’s rightward lurch.
  28. the national interest
    Trump Claims Israel Controlled Congress, Jews Run the New York TimesThe most anti-Semitic president in history strikes again.
  29. the national interest
    DeSantis Spokesperson Suggests Rothschilds Plotted to Impose Vaccine PassportIt was the obvious next step after the space lasers.
  30. false equivalence
    Ilhan Omar and Marjorie Taylor Greene Are Not EquivalentIt’s lazily convenient to lump these two “extremists” together. But there’s no comparison in what they’ve said and how they’ve dealt with criticism.
  31. the national interest
    Marjorie Taylor-Greene and the Strange Anti-Semitism of the Pro-Jewish RightRight-wing populist conspiracy theories pretending to support the Jews.
  32. anti-semitism
    U.S. Sees String of Anti-Semitic Attacks Amid Gaza ViolenceAttacks on Jews have reportedly increased across the country in recent days, prompting Biden to call for an end to the “despicable” acts of violence.
  33. the national interest
    We Should Use the Same Principles for Debating Israel As Debating RacismWhat I’ve learned over years of watching everybody switch rules when the subject changes.
  34. explainer
    Can Marjorie Taylor Greene Be Expelled From Congress?If Republicans go along, Greene could be booted from the House for her violence-boosting behavior. Short of that, it’s up to her constituents.
  35. the national interest
    Report: Trump, a Giant Racist, Said Jews Are ‘Only in It for Themselves’The president continues to provide evidence of his massive racism.
  36. republican national convention
    RNC Speaker Cut From Tuesday’s Lineup After Retweeting Anti-Semitic ConspiracyThe convention dropped Mary Ann Mendoza from her Tuesday slot after she urged her followers to read a thread about a Jewish plan to enslave the world.
  37. anti-semitism
    Everything We Know About the Monsey Hanukkah AttackGovernor Cuomo called the attack an act of domestic terrorism. Some Orthodox Jewish leaders are asking him to deploy the National Guard.
  38. interesting times
    Andrew Sullivan: Boris Johnson Is Showing U.S. Politicians How to WinHis distinctive political model has elements of Trumpism — but Trump is too dysfunctional to replicate it. Democrats can though.
  39. president trump
    Trump Expresses Anti-Semitic Sentiments Before a Jewish Audience AgainJewish leaders promptly condemned the “least anti-Semitic person you’ve ever seen in your entire life” for his anti-Semitism.
  40. anti semitism
    Brutal Assault Is Latest in String of Attacks on Jews in BrooklynThere has been a frightening uptick in violence against people who present themselves as Orthodox.
  41. mass shootings
    Robert Bowers Killed 11 Jewish People. The Death Penalty Is Not the Answer.The death penalty means little where casual state violence runs rampant.
  42. islamophobia
    Trump’s Tweets Prove GOP Attacks on Omar, Tlaib Were Always About IslamophobiaThe anti-Semitism allegations were just a cover.
  43. politics
    Trump Insults Several Million American JewsBut don’t expect any Republican condemnation of the president’s offensive remark.
  44. racism
    What Kyle Kashuv Gets Wrong About Harvard and GrowthKashuv says that Harvard is betraying its commitment to growth by rescinding his admission. Maybe Harvard’s own growth requires it.
  45. far-right
    Louis Farrakhan More ‘Far Right’ Than Left. But Mostly, He’s an Opportunist.News outlets provoked outrage when they linked Louis Farrakhan to the far right. But they weren’t wrong.
  46. domestic terrorism
    What We Know About the Southern California Synagogue ShootingA 60-year-old woman was killed in a heroic attempt to protect the rabbi. More would likely have died if the white supremacist’s weapon hadn’t jammed.
  47. ilhan omar
    Ilhan Omar Never Stood a ChancePolitical attacks against the Muslim Minnesota congresswoman — culminating in one from the president — have devolved into pure Islamophobic id.
  48. stephen miller
    If You Are Defending Stephen Miller, You Are an Ally of Anti-SemitismMiller’s white-nationalist politics are far more dangerous for American Jews than anything Ilhan Omar has ever tweeted.
  49. identity politics
    The GOP’s Cynical New Identity-Politics PlaySenate Republicans are looking to back bills that rebuke anti-Semitism — despite their own party’s complicity in anti-Semitic violence.
  50. donald trump
    Trump’s Claim That Democrats Are an ‘Anti-Jewish Party’ Is AbsurdHis reaction to the Ilhan Omar controversy ignores a century of strongly pro-Democratic Jewish sentiment, which continues today.
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