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  1. NIH to Retire the Last of Their Research Chimps Chimpanzees go free.
  2. i feel the earth move under my feet
    Orangutan at National Zoo Began ‘Belch Vocalizing’ Just Before the EarthquakeNice!
  3. ape balls
    This Is a Thing That HappenedAt one point, grafting ape testicles onto old men was “the rage.”
  4. animies
    Connecticut Won’t Press Charges Against Chimp OwnerSandra Herold, the Connecticut woman whose pet chimpanzee, Travis, attacked her friend, is off the hook in at least one respect.
  5. why they hate us
    Chimps Living as Humans Are Actually an American TraditionThe ‘Times’ tells us a sweet story about a man reconnecting with a childhood pet-sister.
  6. There Are Monkeys Living Like People All Around UsThere’s Higgins and Benjamin and Mikey and thousands more!