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  1. select all
    Tabagotchi Makes Productivity CuterThe most frustrating ’90s game is reformed as a productivity tool.
  2. select all
    What You Need to Know About Apple’s New, Smaller Phones and iPadsMost of the upgrades are minor steps, not major leaps.
  3. if you see something say something
    New Yorkers Can Now ‘See Something, Say Something’ With Their PhonesThere’s an app for that.
  4. alert
    Facebook’s New App Will Take Us Even Closer to Total DistractionThe app Notify will send us an update any time anything happens.
  5. the future is coming
    Apple Bans ‘Ex-Gay’ Christian App That Promised to ‘Cure’ HomosexualityInitially, Apple gave the app preapproval and a 4+ rating.
  6. post-modern love
    Facebook Literally Cannot Handle How Much You Want to Stalk Your CrushThe stalking app has been banned!