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  1. developing
    Justin Davidson on the Defeat of Architect Robert Scarano Jr.Scarano’s designs perfectly capture today’s rapacious spirit: Glitter and be greedy, and try not to get caught.
  2. real estate
    Signs of Hope for a More Exciting Atlantic Yards Arena DesignSoho-based boutique architecture firm SHoP is on the case!
  3. party lines
    Richard Meier: ‘We Don’t Have So Much Work’The famed architect is giving his staff half of August off, because there’s nothing to do.
  4. real estate
    Frank Gehry Completely Out at Atlantic YardsThe starchitect will design none of the buildings from the master plan he created.
  5. real estate
    How Many Different Ways Can Nicolai Ouroussoff Say ‘Do Not Want’?The ‘Times’ architecture critic excoriates the updated Atlantic Yards stadium design.
  6. real estate
    Frank Gehry Officially Out at Atlantic Yards StadiumThe new Nets stadium design, by a Midwestern firm, now looks like, well, a stadium.
  7. expressing herself
    Brave Architects Sign On for Madonna’s UES RenovationsObviously she can’t just move into the place without totally gutting it first.