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  1. on with kara swisher
    How Diia Is Becoming the Ukrainian Government’s Real Everything AppKara Swisher talks to Ukrainian deputy PM Mykhailo Fedorov and Samantha Power about how the app has evolved into a wartime digital Swiss Army knife.
  2. on with kara swisher
    Trae Stephens on the Ethics of AI WarfareKara Swisher talks to the Anduril co-founder about autonomous weapons, the innovation lag in the defense sector, and tech as deterrence.
  3. pivot
    How to Ensure the Robots Won’t Come for Your JobKevin Roose thinks the key is to embrace the dimensions of humanity that automation isn’t close to reaching.
  4. andrew yang
    What Andrew Yang Gets Wrong (and Right) About RobotsAutomation isn’t going to take all our jobs. But it could make them less time-consuming, if we let it.
  5. select all
    Can 10,000 Moderators Save YouTube?Or are we doomed to a lifetime of Pregnant Spider-Man?