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  1. deflation fetish
    A Brief Chat With Jan Hakon Erichsen, the Twitter Balloon GuyKnives, balloons, and plywood make a surreal and absurd viral video.
  2. select all
    Ed Gillespie Played Himself With Twitter BalloonsThe candidate jumped the gun with a social-media celebration.
  3. neighborhood news
    Brooklyn Dad and Kid Send iPhone Into Outer SpaceThis is not some joke based on Pixar’s ‘Up.’
  4. darpa
    Keep a Look Out For Red Balloons TodayDARPA’s cool network challenge is going on right now.
  5. scary things
    Yes, There Is a Boy in a Balloon Somewhere Over Colorado [Wait, No, There Isn’t]Falcon Heene, who was thought to be in a helium balloon thousands of feet in the air this afternoon, is still missing.
  6. great moments in rnc history
    Wolf Blitzer: In Touch With His Inner ChildThe ‘Situation Room’ host was overjoyed by the balloons at last night’s convention. Can’t you tell by his face?