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  1. sacked
    Ball-Biting Maryland Cop Has to Turn In His Badge and GunThis is what happens on Cinco de Mayo at Baltimore’s Looney’s Pub.
  2. tsnownami
    Watch a Dude Ski Down Park Avenue at 40 MphChris Branca does things we only dream of.
  3. the tmi
    Jeffrey Goldberg Has a Name for His Balls“The Resistance.”
  4. neighborhood news
    Who Has the Most-Fondled Balls in New York?The answer may surprise you.
  5. ape balls
    This Is a Thing That HappenedAt one point, grafting ape testicles onto old men was “the rage.”
  6. antisocial media
    Man Explains Why He Would Like to Punch Jamie Dimon in the BallsIn a word: overdraft fees.
  7. antisocial media
    Sean Michael Carey Would Like to Punch Jamie Dimon in the BallsAnd he’s started a Facebook page about it.
  8. white men with money
    Naughty Bankers Need Love, TooWall Street professionals have affairs “to feel loved,” according to a survey.
  9. stupid crime of the day
    A Terrible Story About BallsA Queens woman, upset at her husband’s insatiable infidelity, decided to pour scalding water on his junk.