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Barack Obama

  1. Republican Uses Obama’s Wall Street Speaking Fee to Justify Dodd-Frank RepealA testament to the GOP’s shameless mendacity — and the former president’s misjudgment.
  2. Barack Obama Reportedly Accepts $400,000 for a Wall Street SpeechObama is poised to make nearly twice his presidential pension for delivering remarks at a conference run by Cantor Fitzgerald.
  3. Trump Writing Fake Executive Orders Because He Doesn’t Know How to Be PresidentThe 100th day is coming. Look busy!
  4. russia scandal
    Report: Obama Rejected Comey Op-Ed on Russia’s Election MeddlingBut when the Obama administration later wanted to confirm Russia’s efforts, Comey kept his distance.
  5. Republicans Love the Same Attack on Syria They Hated When Obama Considered ItIn a rare set of nearly identical circumstances, GOP voters have veered from massive opposition to strikes on Syria held during Obama’s presidency.
  6. Trump’s Jacksonian Attack on SyriaLike Andrew Jackson, Trump believes in speedy, incredibly violent force, taken without consultation with Congress, to deter evildoers such as Assad.
  7. Susan Rice Becomes the Face of the Trump Counter-Narrative on RussiaTrump defenders no longer have to charge shadowy “deep state” operatives with conspiring against the 45th president.
  8. Why Obamacare Defeated TrumpcareThe Republican Party could not come up with a better idea.
  9. Regretful Trump Voters Are (Mostly) a MythA new poll finds that only 3 percent of Trump voters regret their decision — and fewer than 1 percent wish they’d voted for Clinton.
  10. At Comey Hearing, GOP Goes Into Full Anti-Anti-Trump ModeThe argument of the day seemed to be that “deep state” leaks are a bigger threat to liberty than Russia’s election meddling.
  11. Trump: Being Wiretapped by Obama Is the One Thing Merkel and I Have in Common“As far as wiretapping … by this past administration, at least we have something in common, perhaps.”
  12. Trump Stands By ‘Wiretap’ Claim — Even As House Intel Committee Rejects It“Wiretap covers a lot of different things.”
  13. Why Trump’s Personnel Crisis Is Bad and Only Getting WorseAt this rate, it could be a couple years before the administration is staffed up.
  14. Trump Suggests Obama Always Wanted Obamacare to Collapse in 2017“That’s the year it was meant to explode, because Obama won’t be here,” the president explained to the House GOP leadership.
  15. the national interest
    Obama’s Economy Didn’t Elect Trump. But It Might Reelect Him.It’s pretty clear the economy was not Clinton’s problem.
  16. The Working Poor Got Richer in 2016Low unemployment and minimum-wage increases sparked strong wage growth at the bottom of America’s income ladder in Obama’s final year.
  17. Felony Accusation Puts New Strain on Obama-Trump RelationshipEverything’s different now that Obama isn’t required to be civil to Trump.
  18. Trump Team Dares James Comey to Say Obama Didn’t Wiretap TrumpOn Monday, the White House suggested that Trump trusts his own misreadings of Breitbart articles over the word of the FBI director.
  19. Trump’s Wiretap Charge Seems to Be a Fabulist Take on Murky Legal ProceedingCovert surveillance of Russian banks blown up into a highly public conspiracy claim by one president that another tapped his phones.
  20. Trump Asks Congress to Investigate His Unsubstantiated Obama Wiretap Claims“I will be proven right,” Trump has reportedly said, but the White House, unwilling or unable to provide evidence, is passing the buck to Congress.
  21. russia scandal
    Trump Claims, Without Evidence, That Obama Wiretapped HimPresident Obama’s spokesperson has rejected the allegation.
  22. Tom Perez Edges Keith Ellison for DNC ChairThe Establishment candidate narrowly defeated the insurgent favorite of Sanders campaign veterans, then began to immediately seek party unity.
  23. Democrats Try to Transcend Divisive Symbolism in DNC RaceMedia and activists alike are trying to turn a close DNC contest into a surrogate battle between factions. That makes the outcome hard to predict.
  24. the national interest
    Remember How Trump Was Going to Erase Obama’s Legacy Overnight? Not So Much.Even a highly competent president would have difficulty unwinding them, and Trump has shown no signs of being even a minimally competent one.
  25. select all
    Former Obama White House Photographer’s Instagram Is a Master Class in ShadeHis pictures speak for themselves. Plus, the captions help, too.
  26. Trump Is Right: No One Ever Talks About the Obama-Khamenei BromanceThe liberal media criticizes Trump for being friendly with Putin, but never says anything about Obama’s bromance with the grand ayatollah of Iran.
  27. the national interest
    Obamacare Repeal Is Failing Because It Was Based on a LieAt the current trajectory, sometime next week, a Republican congressional staffer will Google “What is health care?”
  28. Is It Trump’s Economy Yet?In January, 227,000 jobs were created. It is of more than passing political importance whether the 44th or 45th president gets credit or blame.
  29. Trump’s Silence on White Supremacist Terror Is Political Correctness Run AmokThe president is too afraid of offending oversensitive conservatives to protect America against radical racist terrorism.
  30. Obama Calls Trump Protesters the ‘Guardians of Our Democracy’In his first statement since leaving the White House, Barack Obama says “American values are at stake.”
  31. the national interest
    Obama’s America Rises AgainIt turns out to be Trump who does not understand this country.
  32. our new country
    These Are Some of the Last American Citizens Naturalized Under Obama“I came to Obama’s America, so it was so emotional to reach the milestone of being a citizen just before he’s going.”
  33. How Obama Changed Perceptions of Black Americans Around the WorldI went abroad after he was elected to show that America had a new visual power.
  34. Barack Obama Is Not CoolHe is something different. Something bigger.
  35. On Last Day in Office, Obama Commutes the Sentences of 330 Drug OffendersThe president’s total number of commutations granted is now 1,715 — more than any other president in American history.
  36. President Obama Uses Final Press Conference to Defend Press Freedom“You’re not supposed to be sycophants — you’re supposed to be skeptics,” Obama told reporters, in an implicit rebuke of his successor.
  37. the national interest
    Trump is Not Obama’s Legacy. He’s the Legacy of Anti-Obamaism.A strange fixation on blaming Obama for his successor.
  38. the national interest
    Obama Uses Farewell Address to Call for Defense of Democracy Against TrumpHe warned Americans about a looming threat — one he never named, but whose identity was clear.
  39. the national interest
    Barack Obama’s Legacy Is More Secure Than You, or the GOP, ThinkIt could be as hard to dismantle as a wall is to build.
  40. select all
    Spotify Wants to Hire ObamaThe company is looking for a “President of Playlists” who has “a friendly and warm attitude, and a Nobel Peace Prize.”
  41. Hourly Wages Up 10 Cents in December As U.S. Adds 156,000 JobsThe final jobs report of the Obama era is somewhat mixed.
  42. the national interest
    Republicans’ Plan to Repeal Obamacare Might Be Collapsing AlreadyRepublicans are publicly expressing panic about “repeal and delay.”
  43. Trump Allies Argue That Obama’s Sanctions on Russia Are Too WeakEven as Trump suggests America should just forgive and forget.
  44. The Democrats Are Not a Pro-Palestinian PartyBy allowing the U.N. to condemn Israeli settlements, Obama did not abandon the longstanding, bi-partisan consensus on Israel – he reaffirmed it.
  45. Putin Says He Will Not Expel U.S. Diplomats in Retaliation for U.S. SanctionsThe U.S. expelled 35 Russian diplomats on Thursday, but Putin doesn’t want to sour relations with America before Trump is in the White House.
  46. The Obama Administration Sanctions Russia for Meddling in the 2016 ElectionNow, Trump can’t absolve Russia for its hacking by inaction — he’ll have to buck his party and actively lift sanctions on Putin’s regime.
  47. Trump Resents Obama for Acting Like He’s Still the PresidentThe president-elect sees Obama’s final executive actions as unfair attempts to undermine his agenda.
  48. the environment
    Obama Names New National Monuments in the WestThe president has so far put 548 million acres of land and water under federal protection.
  49. Kerry Delivers Eulogy for the Two-State SolutionWith Israel on the brink of abandoning a decades-old point of agreement, the outgoing secretary of State defends it one last time.
  50. Here’s How Obama Could Go Nuclear on Trump and the GOP Before Leaving OfficeIn retaliation for Republican norm-breaking, he could temporarily fill over 100 judicial vacancies — including the one on the Supreme Court.
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