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  1. the discourse
    Who Is Will Stancil? And Why Is He In Your Feed?The Minnesota policy wonk posting his way to power and influence.
  2. the left
    Is Widespread Economic Discontent Good for the Left?Just because voters dislike the Biden economy doesn’t mean they’re eager for radical change.
  3. screen time
    Is Your Phone the Reason You Feel Broke?The smartphone economy is booming — and it also feels awful.
  4. the economy
    You Don’t Want 2020 Prices BackOnly a depression could bring back the pre-pandemic levels of inflation.
  5. the economy
    It Makes Sense That Bidenomics Is Unpopular (So Far)For all its virtues, the president’s economic agenda has yet to increase living standards for most Americans.
  6. the national interest
    Republicans Are Furious Fast-Food Workers Are Getting a RaiseIt’s almost as if they object to any outcome that gives low-wage workers more money.