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Blog Stained Wretches

  1. timeline
    A Look Back at Andrew Sullivan’s the DishAs he closes down his blog, a timeline of what it served daily.
  2. blog-stained wretches
    The Dish Is Shutting DownAndrew Sullivan and crew have decided it’s not worth running a Sully-less Dish.
  3. blog-stained wretches
    Gamergate Reportedly Cost Gawker ‘Seven Figures’ in Ad RevenueAccording to Gawker ad exec Andrew Gorenstein.
  4. blog-stained wretches
    Gawker Media to Be Ruled by Consensus Instead of just by Nick Denton.
  5. blog-stained wretches
    Ferguson Provides Convenient Excuse for Newspaper to Shut Down Comments Section The St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s commenters will have to share their thoughts elsewhere.
  6. New Republic Staff Reacts to Editor Change-UpBased on their tweets.
  7. blog-stained wretches
    Omidyar’s First Look Media Shuts Down Former Taibbi Project And the staff is being let go.
  8. blog-stained wretches
    Jill Abramson Might End Up at the Huffington Post The journalism start-up she’s planning with Steve Brill is looking for a home.
  9. blog-stained wretches
    ‘Joey Blogs’ Out at Daily IntelligencerBye!
  10. blog-stained wretches
    Matt Taibbi Leaves Omidyar’s First Look Media [Updated]“Our differences were never about editorial independence,” says Omidyar.
  11. blog-stained wretches
    Politico Provides Platform for BP to Claim the BP Oil Spill Was OverratedBP happens to be a big advertiser, but this isn’t even sponsored content.
  12. blog-stained wretches
    Why Politico’s Insane Chevy Chase Claim FloppedA fact-check.
  13. blog-stained wretches
    HuffPost Hires Ex-NFL Player and 9/11 TrutherDonte’ Stallworth is now a national security reporter in the fellowship program.
  14. blog-stained wretches
    McInnes Might Lose Ad Job Over Awful Blog PostGavin McInnes has done it again. 
  15. media
    N.Y. Times Investigating Wikipedia PlagiarismThe Paper of Record is investigating its own case of low-level copying.
  16. blog-stained wretches
    BuzzFeed Fires Serial Plagiarist Benny Johnson lifted material from other websites at least 40 times.
  17. blog-stained wretches
    BuzzFeed Has Itself a Serial Plagiarist Viral politics editor Benny Johnson, from sources like Yahoo! Answers, Wikipedia, and About.com.
  18. blog-stained wretches
    Federal Judge to Supreme Court: ‘STFU’Complete with a link to UrbanDictionary. On his blog.
  19. blog-stained wretches
    Jill Abramson Blogs NowOne former Times editor remembers another at the Huffington Post.
  20. blog-stained wretches
    The All-New, Stat-Heavy FiveThirtyEight, by the NumbersNate Silver’s new mega-site is live. Time for first impressions!
  21. blog-stained wretches
    Nate Silver Interview: The New FiveThirtyEightThe site debuts on Monday, but the numbers whiz is only 75 percent ready.
  22. blog-stained wretches
    New Media Venture Spring Is Officially Upon Us The New York Times’ new data-driven project gets a name, and ESPN announces another use for Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight.
  23. blog-stained wretches
    Gawker Editor John Cook Joining Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi at First Look MediaMax Read will be Gawker’s new editor.
  24. blog-stained wretches
    The New FiveThirtyEight Launches Very SoonMarch 17.
  25. drugs
    A Heroin Blogger Speaks, After Philip Seymour HoffmanBehind the “Yelp for heroin,” Jynxies Natural Habitat. 
  26. choom gang
    The Most Daily Mail Story Ever“EXCLUSIVE: Obama’s pot dealer beaten to death for farting in gay lover’s face.” In 1986.
  27. blog-stained wretches
    Ezra Klein Has Officially Outgrown the Washington PostThe star blogger is striking out on his own.
  28. media
    The New York Times Has Found Its Next David PogueHis name is Farhad Manjoo.
  29. blog-stained wretches
    Arianna Huffington Tries to Live Life Like a GazelleThat is, “grazing peacefully without a care in the world.”
  30. blog-stained wretches
    Bill and Emma Keller Write Matching Cancer Columns, Face Internet WrathCancer patient Lisa Bonchek Adams and her supporters battle married writers.
  31. blog-stained wretches
    Mediaite Editor Admits to Being a Convicted Felon Working Under an Assumed NameDon’t worry; his boss knew.
  32. blog-stained wretches
    Glenn Greenwald Does Not Think He’s Hogging the Snowden DocumentsThere’s much more to come, he says.
  33. blog-stained wretches
    Viral-Traffic Whisperer Neetzan Zimmerman Leaving GawkerThe golden boy of the viral Internet is leaving news blogging for a start-up.
  34. ink-stained wretches
    Nick Kristof Amazed People Care About His Middle InitialThe Times columnist meets personal blogging.
  35. blog-stained wretches
    AOL Still Refuses to Admit Patch Is Dead or DyingCEO Tim Armstrong is in denial about his failed local news initiative.
  36. blog-stained wretches
    Pathetic Fed Chair Nominee Janet Yellen Wears Her Outfits More Than Once A gossip blogger finds this noteworthy, for some reason. 
  37. blog-stained wretches
    Andrew Sullivan Can’t Necessarily Make It AnywhereHe’s leaving New York. 
  38. blog-stained wretches
    All Politico Does Is WinLosers need not apply.
  39. media
    David Pogue Knows You Think Working for Yahoo Is LameThe star tech columnist got a new job.
  40. blog-stained wretches
    Fox News Staffers Paid to Leave Positive Internet Comments on Mean Blog PostsAccording to a new book.
  41. media
    How Robert Costa Became the Golden Boy of the Government ShutdownThe National Review Online reporter has arrived.
  42. blog-stained wretches
    Glenn Greenwald Is Very Excited About His New JobIt’s a “momentous new venture.”
  43. blog-stained wretches
    Arianna Huffington Personally Made $21 Million in AOL DealNot bad.
  44. blog-stained wretches
    The Daily Beast Officially Sheds Newsweek, Lays Off 20Still roaring.
  45. blog-stained wretches
    Nate Silver’s New FiveThirtyEight Wants to Hire More Nate SilversIn sports, politics, and economics.
  46. media
    New Newsweek Has a Very Strict Dress CodeAnd other insane rules.
  47. blog-stained wretches
    The Daily Beast Not Dead, the Daily Beast ReportsThe site is funded through 2014.
  48. the internet
    Quiz: Real Vice Headline or @Vice_Is_Hip Parody?A new Twitter account is so realistic it’s funny.
  49. blog-stained wretches
    Brown Made Staffers Write for Foundation’s SiteSources also say she traded ad and editorial space for donations.
  50. blog-stained wretches
    Daily Beast Will ‘Roar’ at Least Until OctoberThen it might be for sale.
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