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Bonus Wars

  1. bonus wars
    Europe’s Plan to Shrink Banker Bonuses Is Très StupideCapping bonuses won’t fix what ails Europe’s banks.
  2. Europe’s Bizarre Bonus-Capping PlanEurope’s leaders want to cap bonuses at banks. It could backfire.
  3. bonus wars
    In Defense of the Wall Street BonusIt’s the best way to pay people, even if the amounts are outrageous.
  4. white men with money
    Morgan Stanley CEO to Really Unhappy Bonus Whiners: ‘Just Leave’The boss has some realism for those “really unhappy” with lower compensation.
  5. white men with slightly less money
    Bank of America Pay Will Indeed Drop SharplySalary and bonus pay will drop around 25 percent.
  6. white men with slightly less money
    Wall Street Bonuses Will Be Way DownAll indications point to the lowest levels of compensation since 2008.
  7. early and awesome
    Obama Doesn’t ‘Begrudge’ Jamie Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein Their BonusesBut he’s not entirely sure the pay for those two hitters is justified, either.