What Happens to Trump’s Wall Now?Biden temporarily halted border wall funding and construction, but wrapping up Trump’s pet project promises to be a messy and expensive task.
Trump Had a Bad Day in the CourtsIn three cases, one involving a congressional subpoena of his financial records and two involving immigration, the administration had legal setbacks.
Congress Quietly Avoids Government ShutdownUnless Trump changes his mind and decides to veto it, the stopgap spending bill defers fights over items like the border wall until November.
Senate Sends Budget Deal to TrumpSome conservatives whined ritualistically, but in the end Republicans joined Democrats in pushing big fiscal fights past the next elections.
ByEd Kilgore
border wall
Trump Gets Two Border-Wall WinsWhile he should be pleased with a budget deal and a favorable SCOTUS ruling, Trump could still provoke a fight over border-wall appropriations.
Trump: I Am the WallThe wall has become more than a southern border barrier. It’s a metaphor for Trump’s promise to protect his base from economic and cultural change.
Abolish the State of the Union AddressRather than delivering a delayed address that won’t change anyone’s border wall stance, Trump should have seized the chance to end a dumb tradition.
Trump ‘Cucked’ Up the Government ShutdownRed America’s alpha male just picked a fight with a liberal septuagenarian woman — and lost. If anything can alienate Trump’s base, it’s that.