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  1. gossipmonger
    Bradley Cooper and Renée Zellweger Aren’t Fooling AnybodyThey definitely had dinner.
  2. company town
    Stevie Cohen Could End Up in a PickleNo, not in the Damian Hirst sense, though that would be amazing: The art-loving SAC Capital Management CEO could have some problems with the SEC if he’s not careful. Plus! An ex–Bear CEO jumps ship at JPMorgan, Natalie Portman’s apartment goes on the block, and Condé Nast has a green issue, in our daily rundown of industry news.
  3. early and often
    Paterson Swats Down Silver’s Tax-Hike HopesThe assembly speaker is once again aiming for a “millionaire’s tax,” which the governor dismisses — arguing that taxes are “addictive.”
  4. early and often
    Widespread Moans As McCain Compares Obama to Spears, HiltonThough it was only January when John McCain promised to “raise the level of political dialogue in America,” that now seems like a very distant memory.
  5. in other news
    ‘I Hack, I Ruin, I Make Piles of Money. I Make People Afraid for Their Lives.’Meet Weev, one of America’s most prolific trolls, in a preview from a story in this Sunday’s ‘Times Magazine.’
  6. gossipmonger
    Bethenny Frankel and the Hot ‘Lipstick Jungle’ Star Went on a ‘Date’Which means either that dude has a real thing for cougars or it was a publicity stunt. That, and more wheat and chaff in our daily gossip roundup.
  7. intel
    Deciphering Princess Chunk’s Private PartsOn ‘Live’ today, Regis and Kelly figure out the gender of New York’s favorite fat cat.
  8. in other news
    The Summer of Horrible Public Divorces Is Far From OverIn the latest divorce battle to hit the papers, a Manhattan woman sues her venture capitalist husband for bringing home a not-so-nice present from Asia.
  9. in other news
    A-Rod on Divorce: Infidelity Is ‘Immaterial’The Yankee slugger argues that complaints of his extramarital affairs should be stricken from divorce proceedings.
  10. the morning line
    The Noho Corral • A massive gunfight on Macdougal and Houston ended with two “auxiliary officers” (volunteer cops), a bartender, and the gunman dead; as many as 30 shots were fired in all. Bizarre details abound (the perp, wearing a fake beard, shot the bartender fifteen times in the back). [NYT] • Eliot Spitzer and embattled Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno had it out in a fifteen-minute shouting match of the kind that’s fast becoming a hallmark of Spitzer’s reign; cowed witnesses say Bruno blew up after Spitzer called his proposed budget increases “absurd.” [NYP] • Naughty in the Hamptons: An Amagansett physician is out on a $500,000 bail for allegedly churning out millions’ worth of phony OxyContin prescriptions; a Southampton cop is accused of soliciting female suspects for sex bribes Bad Lieutenant-style. [WNBC, Newsday] • New Yorkers really, really love Bloomberg: a new Quinnipiac poll finds the mayor enjoying a 73 percent approval rating, with 46 percent preferring him to Giuliani and 46 percent figuring Mike for a better presidential candidate than his predecessor. Considering he isn’t even running, that’s gotta hurt, Rudy. [NYDN] • And, here’s one more demographic the mayor just won over: pedicab drivers. Bloomberg granted the slightly wacky industry a last-minute reprieve from the proposed tough regulations after talking to a group of drivers. Aww. [amNY]