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  1. politics
    ‘You Only Let a Bully Go So Long’: Marie Newman Takes on Marjorie Taylor GreeneThe Democrat explains why she planted a transgender pride flag across from Greene’s office, and says she finds her response “absolutely hysterical.”
  2. Schumer Reminds Trump to #BeBest After ‘Cryin’ Chuck’ TweetFirst Lady Melania Trump launched the oddly named initiative earlier this week, in part to encourage civility on social media.
  3. bullying
    Trump Backs Out of Debate With SandersIt either took four tries for Trump to make up his mind, or he’s been punking Sanders all along.
  4. Acting Like Sexist, Threatening Jerks Not Quite Working Out for UberWill the company’s bullying business practices hurt its bottom line?
  5. things that are awful
    Bullied Harlem Boy’s Family Sues Over His SuicideThey say the school didn’t discipline his bullies.
  6. things that are awful
    Mom Charged With Slapping Daughter’s Bully Says Driver Let Her on the School BusGrandmother joined in the confrontation.
  7. education
    Judge May Award $40,000 to Bullied Girl’s FamilyStudents pushed and tripped the girl “for fun.”
  8. the internet
    Bullied Bus Monitor Having a Hard Time Fathoming $500,000 in DonationsKaren Klein is having the craziest week.
  9. stuck in the mittle
    Romney Blocked Mass. Anti-Bullying GuidePart of his shift on gay issues as governor of Massachusetts.
  10. sad things
    Harlem Boy Commits Suicide After Relentless BullyingHis mother repeatedly tried to stop the abuse.
  11. lgbt
    Even Pat Robertson Says He’s Against Bullying Gay KidsLet’s not give him too much credit, but still!
  12. school daze
    Calling People ‘Gay’ Still Very Much a Thing in High SchoolIt’s even gay to play basketball now?
  13. gays
    Christian Colleges Flummoxed by Continued Existence of Gay StudentsWe’ve still got THOSE here?
  14. obama is a human person
    President Obama Was Bullied, and It Ruined Everything“I did not emerge unscathed.”
  15. school daze
    Bullying Makes You Popular, But Not the MOST PopularYou need a little niceness to get to the top 2 percent.
  16. equal rites
    Cindy McCain Blames Gay Teen Suicides and Bullying on DADT, Her HusbandMrs. McCain is not shy about pointing the finger.