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Campaign 2016

  1. the national interest
    How the Republican War on Obamacare Explains TrumpBush speechwriter Michael Gerson thinks Barack Obama is the president who made America doubt government competence.
  2. the national interest
    Paul Ryan Tired of Giving Rich Most of the Tax Cuts, Decides to Give Them All“All” is a slight exaggeration. Actually, just 99.6 percent.
  3. the national interest
    Donald Trump Has Secret Plan to Destroy ISIS by Using ProfanityIt is so simple it is almost brilliant.
  4. the national interest
    Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton Is the Real BirtherHe is not telling the truth.
  5. the national interest
    Donald Trump’s Economic Plan Is a Spinning Wheel of CrazyEven identifying Trump’s stance at any given point in time is often impossible.
  6. the national interest
    Donald Trump Explains His Plan for Epic CorruptionCompany, country, whatever.
  7. the national interest
    Republicans Say Hillary Clinton Is Running for Obama’s Third Term. Yes, Please.The last statistical basis to say Obama has failed is now gone.
  8. the national interest
    New York Times Public Editor Writes Disastrous Defense of False EquivalenceThe Times’ public editor doesn’t want to hear any complaints about covering Hillary Clinton’s problems as though they’re as bad as Trump’s.
  9. the national interest
    Yes, Most Donald Trump Supporters Are Deplorable and IrredeemableHillary Clinton made the mistake of admitting something only other people are supposed to say.
  10. the national interest
    Trump: Putin Can’t Fool Me, Except This One TimeThe world’s greatest negotiator is somehow bamboozled by Putin.
  11. the national interest
    Hillary Clinton Is a Flawed But Normal Politician. Why Can’t America See That?A sane, competent candidate trapped in a reality-distortion field.
  12. the national interest
    Matt Lauer’s Pathetic Interview Made Me Think Trump Can Actually WinA frightening case study in journalistic failure.
  13. the national interest
    Trump To Ask Generals, Who Know Less Than Trump, For Plan To Defeat ISISTrump’s plan of confusing the enemy is working brilliantly.
  14. the national interest
    National Review Author Not Waiting for Hillary Presidency to Start ImpeachmentDon’t worry — conservatives are bound to calm down if Hillary Clinton wins.
  15. the national interest
    Did Trump Happen Because Liberals Are Too Mean?Frank Bruni thinks this theory has some merit.
  16. the national interest
    The Filibuster Is Already GoneHarry Reid already used the nuclear option, and Democrats will do it again if they have to. So will Republicans.
  17. the national interest
    Donald Trump Fleeing to Mexico, But Will Probably ReturnToday in ‘Donald Trump’s campaign is a garbage fire.’
  18. the national interest
    Trump: Only Desperate Liars Call Their Opponent Racist. Also Hillary Is Racist.Trump brings his party’s racial contradictions to a head.
  19. the national interest
    Hillary Clinton Can’t Win a Mandate, and That’s OkayMandates aren’t a thing anymore.
  20. the national interest
    There’s Just One Flaw in Donald Trump’s New Plan to Show He’s Not RacistIt has something to do with the fact that he’s actually a gigantic racist.
  21. the national interest
    Clinton Foundation Still Not Criminal, Still Not Great for HillaryDonors expected something for their money.
  22. Donald Trump Tells African-Americans They Are Desperate Enough to Vote for Him“You have no jobs.”
  23. the national interest
    Hillary Clinton’s Ethics Problems Are Worse Than She UnderstandsThe Clinton Foundation needs to die.
  24. the national interest
    Why Republicans Endorse a President Who Threatens DemocracyThe authoritarian tradition in conservative economic thought.
  25. the national interest
    Will Donald Trump Skip the Debate With Hillary Clinton?He’s not a facts guy.
  26. the national interest
    Why Paul Ryan Can Endorse Trump and Still Be Paul RyanPaul Ryan’s career is devoted to standing for something other than what he actually does.
  27. the national interest
    Hillary Clinton Role in bin Laden Raid Included History’s Easiest Decision EverKill world’s leading terrorist, or hang out with celebrities?
  28. the national interest
    The Trump-Putin Bromance Is Getting Even ShadierMore evidence mounts that something smelly is going on.
  29. the national interest
    Enraged Trump Toady Reince Priebus Contemplates Lashing Out With Nice EmailThe gloves are off.
  30. the national interest
    Donald Trump’s Campaign Might Actually ImplodeToday in ‘Donald Trump’s Campaign Is a Garbage Fire.’
  31. the national interest
    Donald Trump Refuses to Endorse Paul Ryan, John McCain, Kelly AyotteOn the one hand, he’s crazy, but on the other hand, he’s vengeful.
  32. the national interest
    Donald Trump, Discovering New Way to Undermine Democracy, Calls Election RiggedHe can kill democracy if he wins, but he can still hurt it if he loses.
  33. the national interest
    I Found the Craziest Endorsement of Trump YetHugh Hewitt thinks Trump is the candidate to stop Russian influence.
  34. the national interest
    It’s Okay Not to Like Hillary Clinton’s Speaking StyleIt is possible for people not to dig her speeches for non-gendered reasons.
  35. the national interest
    The Democratic Convention Showed Clinton Is Sane, Competent, and Likable EnoughDespite the die-hard Bernie supporters and her limitations as a public speaker, it came off almost perfectly.
  36. the national interest
    Jill Stein Explains Her Plan to Stop Trump by Electing Him PresidentSomething something something, neoliberalism.
  37. the national interest
    Clinton Is Running As the Candidate of DemocracyHer cause should attract all small-d democrats.
  38. the national interest
    Michael Bloomberg Sums Up the Election: ‘Let’s Elect a Sane, Competent Person’The bar is so low, and the stakes are so high.
  39. the national interest
    Barack Obama’s Transformational Success Is Only Beginning to Come Into ViewOne of America’s greatest presidents will soon be seen as such.
  40. the national interest
    Donald Trump Asks Vladimir Putin to Help Him WinIsn’t that kind of treason?
  41. the national interest
    How Bernie-or-Bust Fanatics Dominated the First Day of the Democratic ConventionThe power of a crazed, disruptive minority.
  42. the national interest
    Why Some Leftists Are Defending Donald Trump’s Ties to RussiaThe Cold War returns to the Democratic Party.
  43. the national interest
    The Case for Tim KaineThe myopia of liberal disappointment.
  44. the national interest
    Trump to Transform GOP Into White-Identity PartyThe meaning of one of the most significant acceptance speeches in history.
  45. the national interest
    Donald Trump Is Bad at Scripted Television and Also Bad at NationalismToday in “Donald Trump’s Campaign Is a Garbage Fire.”
  46. the national interest
    Republicans in Chaos Must Decide Whether to Elect a MadmanTed Cruz becomes the symbol of the anti-Trump resistance.
  47. the national interest
    The Republicans’ Economy Night Turns Out to Be Another Lock-Up-Hillary NightTrump’s Republicans demand the imprisonment of their opponent because of the “rule of law.”
  48. the national interest
    The Republican Climate Platform Keeps Getting Crazier Every ElectionCoal is inherently clean, get rid of the EPA, science is biased, and other ideas.
  49. the national interest
    Republican Speaker Lou Holtz to Immigrants: ‘I Don’t Want to Become You’The feeling is probably mutual.
  50. the national interest
    Night One in Cleveland: Ethno-Nationalism and C-List Celebrities“Brown people are making America less safe.”
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