Displaying all articles tagged:

Campaign Funds

  1. 2020 elections
    Hunter Becomes the HuntedThe embattled California Republican now faces Darrell Issa’s giant bankroll, in addition to federal prosecutors who indicted him for corruption.
  2. vision 2020
    Trump’s Fundraising Windfall Should Make Democrats NervousTrump raised $350.7 million over the course of his entire 2016 campaign. He raised $105 million in the past three months alone.
  3. scandals
    Prosecutors Say Duncan Hunter Used Campaign Funds to Cheat on WifeThe original indictment of Hunter and his wife suggested out-of-control personal finances. The new allegations suggest an out-of-control libido.
  4. congress
    Jesse Jackson Jr. Accused of Using Campaign Funds to Decorate His HouseMore bad news for the Chicago representative.
  5. liu to you
    A John Liu Fund-raiser Has Been Arrested on FraudThis is really not Liu’s day.
  6. early and often
    Christine O’Donnell Under Investigation for Campaign Fund MisuseShe blames Joe Biden.