Displaying all articles tagged:


  1. censorship
    What the Censors WantBook bans imagine a world without progress or challenge.
  2. twitter
    Elon Musk Tried to Ban Leaving TwitterFollowing a backlash, Musk canned the new policy, which barred users from mentioning their other accounts at numerous Twitter competitors.
  3. on with kara swisher
    Eric Idle Says Audiences Get to Decide What’s Not FunnyIn the latest episode of On With Kara Swisher, Kara talks censorship and cancel culture with the Monty Python legend.
  4. politics
    National Archives Apologizes for Censoring Protest Signs From Women’s MarchThe agency digitally altered protester’s signs to remove mentions of Trump and women’s anatomy in a failed effort to avoid controversy.
  5. geopolitics
    LeBron James Was Disappointing on China. Expect More of the Same.James’s answer on Daryl Morey’s tweet was not the statement we might have hoped for. But it is the kind of statement we should start to expect.
  6. platforms
    Jordan Peterson’s Online Platform Will Shadowban Unpopular OpinionsThe right-wing figure is launching Thinkspot (lol good name).
  7. select all
    Google Tells Employees the Chinese Search Engine Is ‘Exploratory’CEO Sundar Pichai pledged more transparency.
  8. select all
    Google Is Planning to Bring Its Search Engine to ChinaA custom app could breach the Great Firewall.
  9. select all
    Egyptian ‘Fake News’ Law Could Censor Social-Media UsersWhile Facebook remains muted on how to handle fake news, Egypt has issued its own legislation, which critics fear will censor social media.
  10. select all
    Majority of Republicans Think Tech Companies Are Censoring ThemWhile once a narrow view confined to hyperpartisan extremes, this narrative has become the new normal.
  11. Yes, Gone With the Wind Is Another Neo-Confederate MonumentWhile Gone With the Wind is not a chiseled monument in a public place, it contributed to the mythology supporting Jim Crow just as powerfully.
  12. Russia Bans Image of Putin With Long Eyelashes and LipstickAnd in the process, ensures it’s published on news sites across the world.
  13. select all
    Do We Want Giant Tech Companies to Be Our Anti-Harassment Overlords?A new Google project highlights the potential for unintended consequences in the fight against harassment.
  14. select all
    Norwegian Newspaper Blasts Mark Zuckerberg for Removing Famous Vietnam War PhotoEven if he won’t admit it, Mark Zuckerberg is the world’s most powerful editor.
  15. Vloggers Are Crying Censorship, But YouTube Says It’s Nothing NewEverything you need to know about the #YouTubeIsOverParty.
  16. select all
    How China’s Biggest Social Network Works With the GovernmentAccording to a whistle-blowing former censorship employee of Weibo, China’s largest social-networking platform with some 222 million active users, the Chinese government dictates exactly which posts can be published, or not, if they include “sensitive” words. 
  17. Egypt’s Cartoonists, After Charlie HebdoEight of Egypt’s political cartoonists react to the Charlie Hebdo massacre.
  18. media
    Reporter Kicked Out of 9/11 Museum for Asking a Question Without PermissionAmid some bad press, the museum will not have people doing unauthorized journalism.
  19. journalism
    NYT Story About Pakistan Disappeared in PakistanA printer simply deleted the piece from the cover of the international edition of the paper.
  20. oh china!
    The New York Times Just Got Itself Effectively Banned in ChinaWeb access has been blocked after a damning exposé.
  21. neighborhood news
    NYPD Watching Over ‘Murderers’ Mural WallThe artist will need to get permission for his next painting.
  22. censorship
    NYPD Paints Right Over Political ‘Murderers’ Mural Because They Said SoThe public art was sanctioned by the building’s owner.
  23. technology
    Google Not in the Business of Censoring People Who Pee on Their PassportsThe company has updated its transparency report, including a special entry from Canada.
  24. the internet
    Twitter May Restrict Tweets in Certain Countries if Required By LawSome censorship with a bit of transparency.
  25. international intrigue
    Putin Not So Hot on Angry Internet CommentersHis campaign website has an online suggestion box.
  26. India Court Orders 21 Websites to Remove ‘Objectionable Content’Sites include Google, Yahoo, and Facebook.
  27. scandals
    Consensual Sex Story Is Tearing Yeshiva University ApartAn essay in the student newspaper about premarital relations has caused an “uproar.”
  28. ink-stained wretches
    LaSalle Student Newspaper Rebels Against AdministrationOfficials demanded the paper hold a story about a teacher hiring strippers.
  29. the future is coming
    Apple Bans ‘Ex-Gay’ Christian App That Promised to ‘Cure’ HomosexualityInitially, Apple gave the app preapproval and a 4+ rating.
  30. [redacted]
    U.S. State Department’s Anti-Censorship Strategy? Funding the BBCTo develop anti-jamming technology so citizens in Iran and China can access the news.
  31. censored
    China Is Not Backing Down to PornChina’s anti-pornography campaign is going strong.
  32. google
    China’s War on Google Stemmed in Part From Leader Googling HimselfOf course!