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Co Ops

  1. Manhattan Co-op Ordered to Pay $120,000 to a Woman Affected by Secondhand Smoke“Livable conditions” is starting to mean carcinogenic-toxin-free.
  2. real estate
    Real-estate Market Reports: Closings and Prices Still TumblingBut we may be through the worst part of the storm.
  3. moving on up
    Emboldened Renters Explore Strange New World of Co-opsFalling prices make for a buyer’s paradise, but what if those buyers are totally average?!
  4. vu.
    Fourth-Quarter Market Reports: The Reckoning Begins, Sort ofThe reporting is still behind the bad developments.
  5. neighborhood watch
    Manhattan Home Prices Down 20 Percent Since Summer?Now’s the time to buy! Except, oh, your nest egg is worth nothing now.
  6. vu.
    Madonna Does Heart New York, Now That Her Real-Estate Troubles Are OverAfter resolving a dispute with her Central Park West co-op board, Her Madgesty is moving forward with plans to expand her apartment.
  7. grub street
    Welcome, Whole Foods Backlash!With a brand new Whole Foods on Bowery (and, seemingly, everywhere else), will neighborhood organic markets wither? Indie rocker Jason Trachtenberg, who leads the Trachtenberg Family Slideshow Players when he’s not stocking shelves at the all-volunteer 4th Street Co-op, fears losing customers to the giant supermarket. “They’ve completely oversaturated the organic market, and they’re not even all organic,” says Trachtenberg . What did Whole Foods say in its defense? Find out about the benefits of foot traffic over on Grub Street. Bowery Whole Foods: An Effing Steamroller? [Grub Street]