Displaying all articles tagged:

Colbert Report

  1. hillary watch
    Hillary Makes Surprise Colbert Report AppearanceShe weighed in on the horse-size duck conundrum.
  2. de mayor
    Colbert Gives de Blasio a Break After ‘Bullying’ Him on TwitterHe only called him a socialist and compared him to Pontius Pilate.
  3. google glass
    Stephen Colbert Explains the Internet to Google’s Eric SchmidtIt’s “a series of tubes.”
  4. twitter
    Watch Stephen Colbert Force Bill Clinton to Join TwitterUnder the name @PrezBillyJeff.
  5. immigration reform
    Junot Díaz on Superman’s Immigration Status“On Krypton, do they speak Spanish?” asks Colbert.
  6. foot in mouth
    Second Lady Proves Gaffes Are a Biden Family TraditionShe didn’t mean it that way.
  7. fake tv news news
    Colbert Is Unexpectedly Taking the Rest of the Week OffIt’s unclear why.
  8. eye of newt
    John Lithgow Reads Newt Gingrich’s Press Release As It Was Meant to Be ReadDramatically.